Дослідження (Алкоголь)

Качественными показателями отечественной водки уже никого не удивишь не только в Украине, но и за рубежом. Украинский алкоголь уверенно завоёвывает европейского и даже американского потребителя.

Despite the difficult political situation in the country, Ukrainians are already starting to prepare for the New Year holidays.

It's no secret that in our country the sales of counterfeit vodka account for hundreds of millions of dollars. News feeds are full of reports about the closed sweatshops, but it is clear that this is only the tip of the iceberg.

During the high season, the demand for hard beverages increases significantly. However, the reports of poor-quality alcohol, in particular the low quality of domestic brandies, have become more frequent.

Besides the traditional Cahors, the Easter basket of Ukrainians usually contains harder spirits. They are ideal for pork, brawn and other homemade delicacies cooked for Easter.